03 July, 2012

Observatory: Primeval Structure Telescope (PaST), also called 21 Centimetre Array (21CMA)

"PaST will consist an array of some10,160 2-meter log periodic antennas spread over several square kilometers. It will capture a detailed radio image of the sky in the range of fifty to two-hundred megahertz. The telescope is built on the high plateau of Ulastai in the west of Xinjiang province, a remote area away from most television and radios signals that may interfere the weak 21 cm background signals." - from wikipedia

PaST or 21CMA, China
China's PaST, or 21CMA. Image from http://21cma.bao.ac.cn/n

http://21cma.bao.ac.cn/  Website

1 comment:

  1. As an Electronics and Communications Engineer by degree and profession and an amateur astronomer this new field in Astronomy not only excites me but very interesting and challenging.
